Alex­ion chief reg­is­ters $16.5M in pay af­ter a sol­id year, with a rel­a­tive­ly low 74-to-1 ra­tio com­pared to a well paid staff

Im­age: Lud­wig Alex­ion. ALEX­ION via TWIT­TER

Lud­wig Hantson’s first full year run­ning Alex­ion $ALXN in 2018 came with a bump in com­pen­sa­tion as an­a­lysts pro­vid­ed some gen­er­al ap­plause for the biotech’s ad­vances over the course of the year.

With their sec­ond-gen drug Ul­tomiris ap­proved and on track to han­dle sub­stan­tial pa­tient con­ver­sions from Soliris, Hantson’s over­all com­pen­sa­tion pack­age swelled to $16.5 mil­lion, about in line with the av­er­age that’s been paid to the Big Phar­ma ex­ecs who run sub­stan­tial­ly larg­er op­er­a­tions. It’s al­so gen­er­al­ly well ahead of the Eu­ro­pean Big Phar­ma CEOs, who typ­i­cal­ly get to make do with less than their US peers.

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