Am­gen comes in sec­ond with its lat­est batch of KRAS da­ta, but its ri­val is still hav­ing prob­lems catch­ing up

Am­gen once again finds it­self tout­ing KRAS G12C da­ta that don’t mea­sure up to a ri­val at Mi­rati, as the small­er play­er strug­gles to play catch-up.

Af­ter the mar­ket closed on Mon­day, the phar­ma gi­ant post­ed a set of new da­ta from their Lumakras (so­tora­sib) team, spot­light­ing a 21% ob­jec­tive re­sponse rate in the Code­BreaK 100 Phase I/II tri­al among 38 pa­tients with KRAS G12C-mu­tat­ed ad­vanced pan­cre­at­ic can­cer. And re­searchers tracked a me­di­an pro­gres­sion free sur­vival rate of 4 months with a me­di­an over­all sur­vival rate that neared 7 months.

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