Jay Bradner, Amgen R&D chief and CSO (Jeff Rumans)

As obe­si­ty mar­ket heats up, Am­gen leaves clues on Mar­i­Tide’s path for­ward

Am­gen of­fered a glance at plans for its obe­si­ty drug can­di­date Mar­i­Tide dur­ing its fourth-quar­ter earn­ings call, in­clud­ing the ex­ten­sion of an on­go­ing Phase II tri­al and a Phase III de­vel­op­ment path­way span­ning mul­ti­ple in­di­ca­tions. But the com­pa­ny kept the fin­er de­tails close to its chest.

Mar­i­Tide com­pris­es two GLP-1 ag­o­nist pep­tides linked with a GIP-in­hibitor an­ti­body back­bone. The drug can­di­date is dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed from No­vo Nordisk’s semaglu­tide, which acts on­ly on GLP-1, and Eli Lil­ly’s tirzepatide, which has a dual mech­a­nism but mim­ics GIP in­stead of in­hibit­ing it.

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