An up­sized IPO? In this econ­o­my? Of course; Sofinno­va and Ab­b­Vie lead $38M Se­ries A for Parkin­son’s start­up

Sofinno­va and Ab­b­Vie Ven­tures have led a $38 mil­lion Se­ries A for Ni­trome Bio­sciences, a biotech that is de­vel­op­ing en­zymes to tar­get Parkin­son’s and oth­er age-re­lat­ed dis­eases. The com­pa­ny will be led by Irene Gris­wold-Pren­ner, who pre­vi­ous­ly ran neu­ro­bi­ol­o­gy at iP­ier­ian, de­vel­op­ing a tau-tar­get­ing an­ti­body that was lat­er at the cen­ter of a $725 mil­lion buy­out by Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb. The com­pa­ny has not said what en­zymes they will tar­get, but last year Gris­wold-Pren­ner re­ceived a grant from the Michael J. Fox Foun­da­tion to se­quence an en­zyme they called synu­cle­in ni­trase. The goal was to de­vel­op a drug tar­get­ing al­pha-synu­cle­in ni­tra­tion and ag­gre­ga­tion, which has been shown to play a role in the de­vel­op­ment of Parkin­son’s.

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