Thomas Hallam, outgoing Palisade Bio CEO

An­oth­er biotech CEO de­parts, leav­ing be­hind few em­ploy­ees for PhI­II

A month af­ter lay­ing off 20% of its em­ploy­ees, Pal­isade Bio’s CEO is al­so out the door. Thomas Hal­lam hit the ex­it on Mon­day and fi­nance chief JD Fin­ley took over as in­ter­im CEO.

The gas­troin­testi­nal-fo­cused biotech dis­closed the de­par­ture Tues­day morn­ing with­out of­fer­ing any de­tails on why Hal­lam’s nine-year tenure con­clud­ed, or where the out­go­ing CEO might be head­ed. He joined as a VP in 2014 fol­low­ing a di­rec­tor stint at Mesoblast and took over the top spot at Pal­isade in 2017.

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