An­oth­er dosage of Eli Lil­ly’s Moun­jaro is in short­age

A ver­sion of Eli Lil­ly’s Moun­jaro is in short sup­ply amid on­go­ing de­mand for the pop­u­lar di­a­betes drug that is some­times pre­scribed off-la­bel for weight loss.

Ac­cord­ing to the FDA’s drug short­age list, there is a short­age of Moun­jaro’s 10 mg dosage amount due to “in­ter­mit­tent back­o­rders” like­ly ex­pect­ed to last through Sep­tem­ber. The 7.5 mg, 12.5 mg and 15 mg dos­es are al­so in short sup­ply at least un­til the end of Ju­ly. Past sup­ply is­sues for the 2.5 mg and 5 mg dos­es have since been re­solved.

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