Ap­petite for gene ther­a­pies gains mo­men­tum, as Bio­gen plans $800M buy­out of Night­star Ther­a­peu­tics

An­oth­er day, an­oth­er gene ther­a­py deal. The lure of the one-shot cure for rare eye dis­eases — a niche pock­et with­in the broad­er ar­se­nal of gene ther­a­pies — is en vogue, with Roche’s $4.3 bil­lion buy­out of Lux­tur­na mak­er Spark Ther­a­peu­tics $ONCE and J&J fork­ing out up to $440 mil­lion to col­lect the rights to MeiraGTx’s slate of one-shot oph­thal­mo­log­i­cal ther­a­pies this year. On Mon­day, Bio­gen joined the fes­tiv­i­ties with its agree­ment to ac­quire Lon­don’s Night­star Ther­a­peu­tics $NITE for rough­ly $800 mil­lion.

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