As brand­ed drug sales surge, an­a­lysts pre­dict Chi­na mar­ket will re­main 'very at­trac­tive'

The Chi­na mar­ket has long been con­sid­ered a “large and un­tapped op­por­tu­ni­ty” for drug­mak­ers — and ac­cord­ing to Jef­feries an­a­lysts, the for­mer re­mains true.

In a note to in­vestors on Sun­day, an­a­lysts pre­dict­ed Chi­na brand­ed drug sales would reach at least $85 bil­lion by 2030, with the po­ten­tial for even more up­side. Es­ti­mat­ed brand­ed drug sales grew 19% year-over-year in 2021, hit­ting $31.3 bil­lion.

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