As Hutchmed awaits FDA ap­proval for su­r­u­fa­tinib, drug gets the go-ahead in Chi­na; SCO­TUS knocks back last Amarin patent bid

Chi­nese reg­u­la­tors on Fri­day signed off on the sec­ond ap­proval for Hutchmed’s on­col­o­gy drug su­r­u­fa­tinib af­ter a suc­cess­ful Phase III tri­al.

Known com­mer­cial­ly as Su­lan­da in Chi­na, the drug re­cent­ly ap­proved for ad­vanced pan­cre­at­ic neu­roen­docrine tu­mors al­so won ap­proval in Chi­na 7 months ago for the treat­ment of non-pan­cre­at­ic neu­roen­docrine tu­mors.

Hutchmed CEO Chris­t­ian Hogg said in a state­ment, “Since its launch in Jan­u­ary this year, pa­tients with ep­NETs have ben­e­fit­ed from treat­ment with su­r­u­fa­tinib through its unique mode of ac­tion by both in­hibit­ing an­gio­gen­e­sis and pro­mot­ing the body’s im­mune re­sponse against tu­mor cells.”

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