René Kuijten, managing partner at Life Science Partners

As it pre­pares to join EQT, Life Sci­ence Part­ners sur­pass­es €1B in­vest­ment mark

Just a few months ago, the Eu­ro­pean in­vest­ment firm Life Sci­ence Part­ners an­nounced that it would be bought out by the pri­vate in­vest­ment group EQT. Fri­day, it re­vealed that it has sur­passed the €1 bil­lion fundrais­ing mark for its flag­ship fund LSP 7, a feat that it says makes it the largest life sci­ences VC raise in Eu­rope.

LSP in­vests in drug de­vel­op­ment and medtech com­pa­nies in Eu­rope, specif­i­cal­ly fo­cus­ing on spin­outs from uni­ver­si­ties that have large port­fo­lios. The goal is to in­vest in about 15 or 20 com­pa­nies, both in large in­di­ca­tions and rare dis­eases, to help ad­vance the life sci­ences in­dus­try in Eu­rope.

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