As Pfiz­er/BioN­Tech prep EUA fil­ing for Covid-19 boost­er, FDA, CDC tell Amer­i­cans they don't need one just yet

As coro­n­avirus vari­ants threat­en to pro­long the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic and spur dis­cus­sions about vac­cine boost­ers, the FDA and CDC are send­ing a clear mes­sage: They are the ones with the fi­nal say on when and for whom those boost­ers are need­ed.

Pfiz­er and BioN­Tech plan to file for emer­gency au­tho­riza­tion for a third shot in the com­ing month, Pfiz­er CSO Mikael Dol­sten told Reuters on Thurs­day af­ter­noon, around the same time the com­pa­nies is­sued a state­ment high­light­ing re­al-world da­ta from Is­rael sug­gest­ing that vac­cine ef­fi­ca­cy in pre­vent­ing in­fec­tion and symp­to­matic dis­ease has de­clined six months post-vac­ci­na­tion. In a sep­a­rate me­dia in­ter­view, Der­rick Rossi, a co-founder of Mod­er­na, said boost­ers are “most like­ly go­ing to be in the cards.”

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