As ri­vals press in, Stan­ford spin­out Forty Sev­en bur­nish­es its prospects from an im­pres­sive PhIb

Irv Weiss­man’s an­ti-CD47 can­cer drug is in the spot­light to­day with ear­ly but re­mark­able da­ta pub­lished in the NE­JM to un­der­score its po­ten­tial as a new can­cer ther­a­py.

The leg­endary Stan­ford in­ves­ti­ga­tor found­ed Forty Sev­en $FTSV to see if it could take the lead among biotechs work­ing on con­quer­ing the ‘don’t-eat-me’ sig­nal emit­ted by the pro­tein CD47 on can­cer cells. Com­bined with rit­ux­imab, their com­bo elicit­ed a pos­i­tive re­sponse in half of the can­cer pa­tients they test­ed it on, with 8 of those pa­tients achiev­ing a com­plete re­sponse — with no sign of resid­ual dis­ease.

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