#AS­CO19: MET in­hibitors from In­cyte/No­var­tis and Ger­many's Mer­ck face off for rare sub­set of NSCLC pa­tients

CHICA­GO — Tout­ed as one of No­var­tis’ block­busters-to-be in 2020, the In­cyte-dis­cov­ered MET in­hibitor cap­ma­tinib is be­ing primed for a mar­ket­ing ap­pli­ca­tion af­ter fi­nal da­ta from a mid-stage study sug­gest­ed the drug has the abil­i­ty to im­prove out­comes in pa­tients with non small cell lung can­cer (NSCLC) har­bor­ing a MET ex­on-14 skip­ping mu­ta­tion — a sub­set that has no ap­proved tar­get­ed ther­a­py.

Ac­cord­ing to the NIH, MET ex­on 14 skip­ping oc­curs in rough­ly 5% of pa­tients with NSCLC, which rep­re­sents the most com­mon form of lung can­cer.

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