#AS­CO19: Strug­gling Nek­tar braves a tough crowd to of­fer up 4 new CRs for skin can­cer drug

CHICA­GO — Nek­tar Ther­a­peu­tics $NK­TR came back to AS­CO look­ing for some re­demp­tion af­ter their prat­fall on their NK­TR-214 pre­sen­ta­tion here last year — caus­ing dam­age to the share price that has yet to be re­paired. And while they are a long way from be­ing back in the good graces of the an­a­lysts, its top re­searchers are mak­ing a de­ter­mined march ahead with what they still be­lieve is a game-chang­ing can­cer ther­a­py well worth Bris­tol-My­ers’ block­buster buy-in.

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Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA