Astel­las cuts a bis­pe­cif­ic in can­cer and a mi­to­chon­dria-fo­cused as­set from Mi­to­bridge deal

Astel­las said it has re­moved a Phase 1 can­cer as­set as well as a small mol­e­cule that came from its Mi­to­bridge ac­qui­si­tion.

The Japan­ese phar­ma will no longer test the TSPAN8 and CD3 bis­pe­cif­ic known as ASP2074, nor its PPARδ mod­u­la­tor ASP0367, ac­cord­ing to Astel­las’ lat­est earn­ings re­port for the fis­cal year end­ing March 31.

ASP0367 came by way of Astel­las’ rel­a­tive­ly small ac­qui­si­tion of mi­to­chon­dria-fo­cused Mi­to­bridge in 2017. The phar­ma com­pa­ny was in­ves­ti­gat­ing the small mol­e­cule in pa­tients with pri­ma­ry mi­to­chon­dr­i­al my­opathies in Phase 2 and pa­tients with Duchenne mus­cu­lar dy­s­tro­phy in Phase 1.

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