Atre­ca banks a $125M mega-round as it builds a pipeline of an­ti­bod­ies for can­cer and pon­ders IPO tim­ing

In an­oth­er sign that the mon­ey back­ing up­start biotechs — and the val­ue at­tached to new drugs — con­tin­ues to swell, Red­wood City, CA-based Atre­ca to­day is pulling back the cov­ers from a $125 mil­lion mega-round de­signed to get through the ini­tial pre­clin­i­cal phase of de­vel­op­ment.

The work at Atre­ca cen­ters on a plat­form tech that takes tis­sue sam­ples from can­cer pa­tients to ex­plore for ide­al an­ti­bod­ies, us­ing B cells as their sound­ing board. If that seems fa­mil­iar, that’s be­cause it’s the same ba­sic tech ap­proach that Seat­tle-based On­coRe­sponse is us­ing, as I re­port­ed ear­li­er in the week with their $40 mil­lion round.

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