Herriot Tabuteau, Axsome CEO

Ax­some re­ports de­lay to PhI­II nar­colep­sy study, un­veils peak sales es­ti­mates on its drugs

Ax­some Ther­a­peu­tics ad­just­ed the time­line of a Phase III tri­al for an ex-Pfiz­er drug that it ex­pects to mar­ket for nar­colep­sy by 2025.

The New York-based biotech pro­ject­ed en­roll­ment to wrap up next quar­ter for a tri­al of its in­ves­ti­ga­tion­al nar­colep­sy med, mark­ing a slight de­lay to last month’s guid­ance of hav­ing topline da­ta this quar­ter, per a cor­po­rate deck filed with the SEC on Tues­day.

Ax­some is de­vel­op­ing AXS-12 for the sleep dis­or­der nar­colep­sy and is as­sess­ing whether the twice-dai­ly oral med is bet­ter than place­bo at re­duc­ing the fre­quen­cy of cat­a­plexy, a sud­den mus­cle weak­ness. The com­pa­ny es­ti­mates about 70% of the 185,000 US pa­tients with nar­colep­sy ex­pe­ri­ence cat­a­plexy.

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