David Veitch, Basilea CEO

Basilea toss­es an on­col­o­gy drug back to Mer­ck, dou­bling down on an­tibi­otics in re­vamp

Swiss biotech Basilea Phar­ma­ceu­ti­ca has shed one of its last pipeline ties with on­col­o­gy as it makes a move to con­cen­trate on an­tibi­otics in a race to prof­itabil­i­ty next year. And they’ve fol­lowed up on that with news of a Phase III suc­cess they be­lieve can help ex­pand prospects for a key fran­chise play­er.

The com­pa­ny put out word on Mon­day that the ex­ecs are hand­ing rights to the FGFR in­hibitor de­r­azan­ti­nib back to Mer­ck by the end of this year as it shuts down clin­i­cal work on the tu­mor check­point con­troller lisa­van­bu­lin. They’re still work­ing on part­ner­ing that out along with their TTK/PLK1-in­hibitor BAL0891 and pre­clin­i­cal on­col­o­gy as­sets.

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