BeiGene/No­var­tis tout new PD-1 da­ta; No­var­tis plans down­siz­ing in Tokyo

BeiGene and No­var­tis are con­tin­u­ing to build out da­ta for its PD-1 in­hibitor tislelizum­ab, and on Mon­day re­vealed its newest Phase III topline re­sults.

At the in­ter­im analy­sis, tislelizum­ab plus chemother­a­py beat out chemo alone on the pri­ma­ry of over­all sur­vival in first-line pa­tients with lo­cal­ly ad­vanced, un­re­sectable or metasta­t­ic gas­tric or gas­troe­sophageal junc­tion ade­no­car­ci­no­ma. Ad­di­tion­al fol­low-up is need­ed for the in­tent-to-treat pop­u­la­tion, BeiGene not­ed.

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