Michelle McMurry-Heath (BIO via YouTube)

BIO chief Mc­Mur­ry-Heath on leave as storm clouds gath­er over group’s di­rec­tion, leg­isla­tive set­back

Af­ter a short, rocky two-year tenure high­light­ed by an event-killing pan­dem­ic, cut­backs and new pric­ing leg­is­la­tion wide­ly viewed in biotech as a calami­ty, BIO CEO Michelle Mc­Mur­ry-Heath has gone on leave in what may be a step ahead of her quick ex­it.

In a state­ment is­sued to End­points News Sun­day, BIO said:

The BIO CEO is cur­rent­ly on leave. BIO does not spec­u­late on ru­mors rel­a­tive to em­ploy­ees or per­son­nelBIO re­mains vig­i­lant in its ad­vo­ca­cy for biotech in­no­va­tion and the well­be­ing of pa­tients.

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