BioAt­la heads for Nas­daq on Wednes­day fol­low­ing $189M IPO, go­ing pub­lic with its pH-de­tect­ing can­cer treat­ments

Yet an­oth­er biotech is mak­ing its pub­lic de­but Wednes­day, and this one comes just a few months af­ter a $72.5 mil­lion Se­ries D round.

BioAt­la be­comes 2020’s lat­est in­dus­try IPO, hav­ing raised an up­sized $189 mil­lion. Shares priced at $18 apiece, and with the biotech orig­i­nal­ly es­ti­mat­ing $136.4 mil­lion in its S-1, BioAt­la end­ed up rais­ing about 38.6% more than planned. The new­ly-pub­lic com­pa­ny will trade un­der the tick­er $BCAB once it of­fi­cial­ly hits the Nas­daq on Wednes­day.

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