BioCryst re­sumes en­roll­ment for im­mune dis­eases drug; Ea­gle buys stake in res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease biotech

In April, the FDA hit BioCryst with a par­tial hold, lead­ing the biotech to pause en­roll­ment on three of its rare dis­ease clin­i­cal tri­als and send­ing its shares down 30%.

Last week, BioCryst said the par­tial clin­i­cal hold had been re­solved and that it would re­sume en­rolling its clin­i­cal tri­als for its drug, dubbed BCX9930, but with new pro­to­cols at a low­er 400 mg dose.

BioCryst’s drug is a fac­tor D in­hibitor, which was be­ing test­ed in an ar­ray of im­mune dis­eases. The biotech is run­ning two piv­otal tri­als for parox­ys­mal noc­tur­nal he­mo­glo­bin­uria, as well as a third tri­al look­ing at a set of three dis­eases — C3 glomeru­lopa­thy, IgA nephropa­thy and pri­ma­ry mem­bra­nous nephropa­thy.

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