Bio­gen pulls PRIME des­ig­na­tion for ad­u­canum­ab in Eu­rope; Mer­ck clos­es merg­er with Ac­celeron

Fol­low­ing news last week that Bio­gen re­ceived “a neg­a­tive trend vote” in Eu­rope for its con­tro­ver­sial Alzheimer’s drug ad­u­canum­ab, the EMA up­dat­ed a list of PRIME des­ig­na­tions in­di­cat­ing that some, in­clud­ing Bio­gen, pulled out of the EU’s pri­or­i­ty med­i­cines scheme, known as PRIME.

But Bio­gen said in a state­ment to End­points News that it ac­tu­al­ly pulled the PRIME des­ig­na­tion for ad­u­canum­ab in 2019, not­ing that it oc­curred “fol­low­ing the dis­con­tin­u­a­tion of the EMERGE and EN­GAGE stud­ies,” and that it “was a pro­ce­dur­al re­quire­ment at the time.”

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