Michel Vounatsos, Biogen CEO (via YouTube)

Bio­gen’s top ex­ec­u­tive crew has a big cred­i­bil­i­ty is­sue. And they seem de­ter­mined to make it worse

First came the pan­dem­ic “su­per­spread­er” event at the Mar­riott Long Wharf that cre­at­ed a sim­mer­ing pub­lic re­la­tions night­mare for Bio­gen $BI­IB. And now here comes the big cred­i­bil­i­ty is­sue on their lead Phase III Alzheimer’s drug that will like­ly dog their steps for months to come — at the least.

Yes­ter­day’s Q&A with an­a­lysts on their Q1 call turned in­to a tough — and ex­treme­ly un­usu­al — press con­fer­ence as an­a­lysts re­peat­ed­ly pushed hard for some specifics on just why the big biotech de­cid­ed to push back its time­line on the ad­u­canum­ab fil­ing from “ear­ly 2020” to some­time in Q3.

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