Bio­haven re­ports an­oth­er tri­al fail­ure for tro­r­ilu­zole; Cycli­ca rais­es C$23M for AI dri­ven dis­cov­ery plat­form

→ Four months af­ter Bio­haven $BHVN re­port­ed that tro­r­ilu­zole flopped in a study for anx­i­ety, the biotech is back with an­oth­er set­back to re­port. The ther­a­py has now al­so failed at treat­ing ob­ses­sive-com­pul­sive dis­or­der, though the ex­ecs in charge still see plen­ty of good rea­sons for forg­ing ahead in­to a piv­otal tri­al.

“Al­though the p-val­ue in this proof of con­cept study did not reach sta­tis­ti­cal sig­nif­i­cance at the pri­ma­ry Y-BOCS end­point at week 12,” the biotech not­ed in a state­ment, “the re­sults re­veal a con­sis­tent treat­ment ben­e­fit of tro­r­ilu­zole over time and pro­vide the ap­pro­pri­ate da­ta to pow­er fu­ture stud­ies.”

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