Bio­haven’s $230M of­fer­ing; Plus, three new PIPEs

Read on for news about Ben­itec Bio­phar­ma, Ko­r­ro Bio, Zu­ra Bio, Oc­u­lar Ther­a­peu­tix and SK bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals:

Bio­haven to seek $230M pub­lic of­fer­ing: The com­pa­ny’s of­fer­ing fol­lows an up­date to its BHV-1300 pro­gram, an IgG pro­tein de­grad­er be­ing de­vel­oped for au­toim­mune con­di­tions, in an SEC fil­ing this week. Bio­haven is ex­pect­ed to share more da­ta from a Phase 1 healthy vol­un­teer tri­al at its R&D Day on May 29. — Max Gel­man

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