BioN­Tech inks can­cer deal with Chi­nese biotech; Eikon, CASI buy Cleave Ther­a­peu­tics’ as­sets

BioN­Tech has reached a re­search and op­tion agree­ment with Bio­theus for two an­ti­body can­di­dates.

Bio­theus an­nounced the deal Wednes­day. It will grant BioN­Tech ex­clu­sive world­wide op­tions for a pre­clin­i­cal bis­pe­cif­ic and a clin­i­cal-stage mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body for undis­closed can­cer tar­gets in ex­change for an up­front pay­ment. If BioN­Tech choos­es to li­cense the pre­clin­i­cal can­di­date, Bio­theus will get mile­stone pay­ments and roy­al­ties. The fi­nan­cial specifics were not dis­closed.

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