BMS is advancing its Sotyktu drug launch strategy with another campaign, this time with real patients.

Bris­tol My­ers in­tro­duces re­al pa­tients in dig­i­tal and so­cial So­tyk­tu pso­ri­a­sis cam­paign

Bris­tol My­ers Squibb de­buted its brand ad­ver­tis­ing for ris­ing star pso­ri­a­sis drug So­tyk­tu at the splashy Gram­my Awards ear­li­er this year. But now the phar­ma com­pa­ny is adding re­al pa­tients to its ef­forts in a dig­i­tal cam­paign where peo­ple talk about the re­al­i­ties of life with mod­er­ate to se­vere plaque pso­ri­a­sis.

BMS timed the launch of the “Clear Un­der­stand­ing” cam­paign to Au­gust, which is Pso­ri­a­sis Aware­ness Month, said Michael Braun, BMS SVP US im­munol­o­gy, in an email. The goal is to help “in­spire peo­ple liv­ing with mod­er­ate to se­vere plaque pso­ri­a­sis to re­flect up­on their own ex­pe­ri­ences, rec­og­nize the fre­quent com­pro­mis­es made be­cause of their dis­ease, and feel em­pow­ered to talk to their doc­tor about treat­ment op­tions avail­able, in­clud­ing So­tyk­tu,” he said.

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