Bushu plans $100 mil­lion ex­pan­sion for phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­spec­tion fa­cil­i­ty; RUC­DR breaks away from Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty, re­launch­es as IBX

In an ef­fort to be­come an “Asia hub” for phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­spec­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion, con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er Bushu Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is pour­ing $100 mil­lion in­to the ex­pan­sion of its Mis­ato, Japan plant over the next 5 years.

Bushu is near­ly done build­ing its 42,000-square-foot cold chain ware­house in Mis­ato. Up­grades in­clude 8 new pack­ag­ing lines, new in­spec­tion sta­tions, and IT im­prove­ments to its pro­duc­tion au­toma­tion and lab­o­ra­to­ry in­for­ma­tion man­age­ment sys­tems. When con­struc­tion is com­plete, the com­pa­ny will have 12 in­spec­tion sta­tions for pre-filled sy­ringes, and 7 sta­tions each for liq­uid vials and lyophilized vials. In to­tal, 23 sta­tions will be “sup­port­ed by cam­eras.”

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