Cana­di­an gene ther­a­py biotech en­Gene starts trad­ing on Nas­daq af­ter com­plet­ing For­bion SPAC deal

Gene ther­a­py start­up en­Gene be­came a pub­lic biotech on Wednes­day af­ter com­plet­ing its com­bi­na­tion with For­bion Eu­ro­pean Ac­qui­si­tion, a blank check com­pa­ny formed in 2021.

The Mon­tre­al and Boston non-vi­ral gene ther­a­py mak­er is one of the few life sci­ences com­pa­nies to com­plete a SPAC deal this year, as the al­ter­na­tive list­ing route large­ly went out of vogue af­ter a surge in pop­u­lar­i­ty in 2020. En­Gene $EN­GN com­menced trad­ing on Nas­daq and reeled in about $138 mil­lion in pro­ceeds to bankroll an on­go­ing piv­otal tri­al that’s ex­pect­ed to have an in­ter­im read­out in the mid­dle of next year, which would pave the way to a po­ten­tial BLA fil­ing in mid-2025, CEO Ja­son Han­son told End­points News.

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