Who's do­ing deals in the midst of a crip­pling pan­dem­ic? Here are the top 10 play­ers for March

It turns out that even send­ing every­one from the CEO to rank-and-file staffers home to work in the mid­dle of a Cat­e­go­ry 5 pan­dem­ic wasn’t enough to put a crimp in the flow of ven­ture cash in­to bio­phar­ma. And even deal­mak­ing held its own against the howl­ing winds of mis­for­tune — large­ly be­cause a group of savvy play­ers was quick to ad­just to the new re­al­i­ty.

Our deal ex­pert Chris Doko­ma­ji­lar ran the num­bers for us on a month-to-month ba­sis and found that not on­ly was ven­ture mon­ey flow­ing dur­ing the pan­icky month of March, but it was al­so hit­ting home in record sums com­pared to the last 26 months of deal flow.

Say what?

As you can see in the top chart be­low, Doko­ma­ji­lar out­lined how the in­dus­try racked up $2.41 bil­lion in to­tal for March, just bare­ly ahead of one oth­er top­per dur­ing the heady days of Au­gust 2018.

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