Con­nect shrinks time­line for atopic der­mati­tis da­ta; Bi­cy­cle's wheels keep turn­ing with Genen­tech

Con­nect Bio­phar­ma has pushed up the time­line on re­leas­ing topline da­ta for its lead can­di­date, be­ing test­ed in Chi­na, for atopic der­mati­tis. Tar­get­ing the same path­way as megablock­buster Dupix­ent, the biotech will now share re­sults in the sec­ond half of this year, rather than the first half of next year.

The late Mon­day news drop means Con­nect could be on track to file for ap­proval in Chi­na in two years. The topline da­ta from the 16-week in­duc­tion pe­ri­od of the tri­al for CBP-201 will look at 255 pa­tients al­ready en­rolled in­to the study.

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