Covid-19 roundup: Chi­na's Sino­vac goes to Brazil for PhI­II; As­traZeneca signs Emer­gent on for $87M man­u­fac­tur­ing deal

Sino­vac, the first Chi­nese biotech to pub­lish an­i­mal da­ta on a Covid-19 vac­cine, is team­ing up with a Brazil­ian part­ner to test its can­di­date in the South Amer­i­can coun­try.

In­sti­tu­to Bu­tan­tan is still await­ing clear­ance from lo­cal au­thor­i­ties to kick off the Phase III tri­al, which will en­roll 9,000 peo­ple in Ju­ly. The com­pa­ny will get a li­cense for the vac­cine in Brazil should it prove ef­fec­tive.

As new in­fec­tions in Chi­na be­come a rare oc­cur­rence, sci­en­tists have run in­to the bizarre prob­lem of not hav­ing enough ex­po­sure to re­al­ly know whether the in­oc­u­la­tions are pro­tect­ing their vol­un­teers.

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