Covid-19 roundup: Cure­Vac, GSK de­but sec­ond shot at pan­dem­ic vac­cine; BioN­Tech ex­pands Covid-19 tri­al

Cure­Vac flamed out on its first at­tempt at pro­duc­ing a suc­cess­ful Covid-19 vac­cine last June and the Ger­man biotech chalked up a sec­ond-gen ap­proach with part­ner Glax­o­SmithK­line as a sav­ing grace in Oc­to­ber.

As Omi­cron’s sis­ter vari­ant takes over as the dom­i­nant strain in the US, Cure­Vac said Wednes­day it has be­gun dos­ing pa­tients in the first hu­man tri­al of its sec­ond go at an mR­NA jab for the pan­dem­ic. Da­ta from the tri­al are ex­pect­ed to show how well the new vac­cine can stand up against Covid-19 vari­ants and oth­er pathogens, mean­ing Cure­Vac doesn’t want this to be a one-and-done.

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