NIAID chief Anthony Fauci (AP Images)

Covid-19 roundup: Fau­ci talks pric­ing, dis­parate im­pact and the virus’s en­dur­ing mys­ter­ies; Chi­na to of­fer ex­per­i­men­tal vac­cines to over­seas work­ers

Mul­ti­ple vac­cines will ul­ti­mate­ly be ap­proved for Covid-19, NI­AID chief An­tho­ny Fau­ci told BIO yes­ter­day, and the com­pa­nies that make them should be al­lowed to prof­it, “as long as it’s not in an out­ra­geous way.”

Sit­ting down for a rare ex­tend­ed in­ter­view with new BIO chief Michelle Mc­Mur­ry-Heath, the avun­cu­lar face of Amer­i­can in­fec­tious dis­ease opined on the state of the treat­ment and vac­cine race, how coro­n­avirus com­pares to HIV, and what can be done to ame­lio­rate the fright­en­ing dis­par­i­ties in Covid-19 in­fec­tions and deaths be­tween white and Black Amer­i­cans that helped trig­ger mas­sive protests af­ter the killing of George Floyd.

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