Days af­ter In­di­v­ior launch­es au­tho­rized Sub­ox­one gener­ic, My­lan of­fers its copy­cat; In crowd­ed CGRP mar­ket, Alder sub­mits BLA

→ Af­ter a pro­tract­ed court bat­tle in the Unit­ed States to thwart gener­ic com­pe­ti­tion of its block­buster opi­oid ad­dic­tion treat­ment Sub­ox­one ul­ti­mate­ly proved in vain, UK’s In­di­v­ior de­cid­ed to get ahead of the curve on Tues­day, an­nounc­ing that it was launch­ing its own cut-price ver­sion of the drug. On Fri­day, My­lan $MYL launched its copy­cat. It re­mains to be seen which gener­ic will be cheap­er.

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