Deer­field adds Duke to its ros­ter of col­lege part­ners, kick­ing off a $130M dis­cov­ery al­liance

One year af­ter sign­ing the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na-Chapel Hill to its ever-grow­ing list of aca­d­e­m­ic part­ners, Deer­field is nab­bing an­oth­er point on the state’s re­search tri­an­gle: Duke Un­ver­si­ty.

Duke and Deer­field an­nounced a 10-year, $130 mil­lion part­ner­ship to bring new ther­a­pies from uni­ver­si­ty re­searchers to IND-en­abling sta­tus. Like the pre­vi­ous col­lab­o­ra­tions Deer­field signed with UNC, Co­lum­bia, the Broad In­sti­tute and oth­ers, the deal cre­ates a new cor­po­ra­tion whol­ly owned by Deer­field and al­lows Duke re­searchers to sub­mit any project for fund­ing. The Duke en­ti­ty will be known as Four Points In­no­va­tion and be­gin re­ceiv­ing pro­pos­als in March.

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