Dems res­ur­rect a scaled back plan for Medicare drug price ne­go­ti­a­tions

On­ly a few days af­ter Pres­i­dent Joe Biden seemed to sig­nal that drug pric­ing re­forms were left for dead, De­moc­rats are al­ready cir­cu­lat­ing plans for a scaled-back ver­sion of what they want­ed ini­tial­ly, al­though with more lim­it­ed Medicare ne­go­ti­a­tions on a small­er sub­set of drug prices.

The new plans are part of an at­tempt to win over sup­port from sev­er­al De­moc­rats who are on the fence, in­clud­ing Sen. Kyrsten Sine­ma of Ari­zona, New Jer­sey’s Bob Menen­dez, and both of Delaware’s sen­a­tors, Chris Coons and Tom Carp­er.

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