Der­ma­van­t's PhI­II eczema da­ta; Ox­ford's Ni­pah vac­cine; In­ven­ti­va's €25M life­line

Der­ma­vant re­port­ed new Phase III da­ta for its atopic der­mati­tis cream Vta­ma on Thurs­day morn­ing, say­ing more than 80% of par­tic­i­pants across two stud­ies saw at least a 75% im­prove­ment in a skin-clear­ing end­point (EASI75). Ad­di­tion­al­ly, 73% of in­di­vid­u­als saw at least a two-point im­prove­ment from base­line in an­oth­er skin test (vI­GA-AD). There were no new or un­ex­pect­ed side ef­fects that arose. Vta­ma was ap­proved in May 2022 to treat plaque pso­ri­a­sis, and the sN­DA for atopic der­mati­tis is ex­pect­ed by the end of the first quar­ter. — Max Gel­man

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