Di­anthus marks Nas­daq de­but with PhI hit; Ar­bu­tus shuts oral RNA and coro­n­avirus pro­grams

As Di­anthus Ther­a­peu­tics starts trad­ing on Nas­daq, it’s al­so mark­ing an­oth­er mile­stone with pos­i­tive Phase I safe­ty and phar­ma­co­ki­net­ic da­ta.

DNTH103, a se­lec­tive in­hibitor of the ac­tive form of the C1s pro­tein, was shown to block the clas­si­cal path­way and have a 60-day half-life when giv­en to 52 healthy vol­un­teers. With the pro­file con­firmed, Di­anthus plans to start mul­ti­ple Phase II tri­als in var­i­ous neu­ro­mus­cu­lar dis­eases next year, start­ing with gen­er­al­ized myas­the­nia gravis and then mul­ti­fo­cal mo­tor neu­ropa­thy and chron­ic in­flam­ma­to­ry de­myeli­nat­ing polyneu­ropa­thy.

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