Eli Lil­ly in­vests an­oth­er $1.6B in­to In­di­ana man­u­fac­tur­ing sites

Phar­ma gi­ant Eli Lil­ly is in­vest­ing more in­to an ex­pan­sion in its home Hoosier State, with a $1.6 bil­lion ex­pan­sion for two new man­u­fac­tur­ing sites.

The sites, lo­cat­ed at the LEAP Lebanon In­no­va­tion and Re­search Dis­trict in Boone Coun­ty, In­di­ana, around 30 miles north­west of Lil­ly’s head­quar­ters in In­di­anapo­lis, pre­vi­ous­ly saw an in­jec­tion of $2.1 bil­lion, mark­ing a to­tal in­vest­ment of $3.7 bil­lion.

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