FDA gives the OK to Chiesi for treat­ment of ul­tra-rare en­zyme de­fi­cien­cy dis­ease

The FDA hand­ed down an ap­proval Thurs­day for Chiesi’s vel­manase al­fa, an en­zyme sup­ple­ment de­signed to treat non-cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem man­i­fes­ta­tions of an ul­tra-rare pro­gres­sive dis­ease, the com­pa­ny an­nounced.

Vel­manase al­fa is ap­proved for adults and chil­dren and will be sold in the US as Lamzede, the same brand­ed name it us­es in Eu­rope where it was ap­proved in 2018. The dis­ease it’s de­signed to treat is called al­pha-man­nosi­do­sis (AM), which af­fects on­ly one in every 500,000 to one in every one mil­lion ba­bies born world­wide, Chiesi says.

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