FDA re­view rais­es some se­ri­ous ques­tions for Puma, but shares rock­et up on pos­i­tive notes

Puma Biotech­nol­o­gy will face some tough ques­tions from reg­u­la­tors dur­ing Wednes­day’s long-await­ed pan­el re­view for its ex­per­i­men­tal can­cer drug ner­a­tinib.

Not on­ly did the FDA re­view, out this morn­ing, raise point­ed ques­tions about the many changes that were made to Puma’s study for ear­ly-stage ERBB2-pos­i­tive breast can­cer, it al­so high­light­ed — as ex­pect­ed — the high rate of se­ri­ous di­ar­rhea ex­pe­ri­enced by pa­tients in the study.

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