FDA seizes thou­sands of coun­ter­feit Ozem­pic units, warns con­sumers not to use

The FDA is warn­ing con­sumers not to use coun­ter­feit Ozem­pic af­ter it found thou­sands of units of fake prod­uct in the sup­ply chain.

The agency is urg­ing health­care prac­ti­tion­ers, con­sumers, whole­salers and phar­ma­cies to check the lot and se­r­i­al num­bers on the pack­ag­ing be­fore us­ing or dis­trib­ut­ing the med­ica­tion. Pack­ages with the lot num­ber NAR0074 and se­r­i­al num­ber 430834149057 should not be used, the reg­u­la­tor said in an an­nounce­ment last week.

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