​​FDA to al­low 23andMe to re­port more BR­CA vari­ants; Janssen se­cures deal with AI-drug dis­cov­ery out­fit

23andMe re­ceived FDA clear­ance to re­port an ad­di­tion­al 41 vari­ants in the BR­CA1 and BR­CA2 genes, which are as­so­ci­at­ed with a high­er risk of breast, ovar­i­an, prostate and pan­cre­at­ic can­cer.

Many of the ad­di­tion­al vari­ants are more like­ly to oc­cur in Black and His­pan­ic pop­u­la­tions. It’s the fourth FDA clear­ance for the gener­ic test­ing com­pa­ny. — An­na Brown 

Janssen part­ners with AI-fo­cused drug dis­cov­ery com­pa­ny 

AI drug dis­cov­ery out­fit In­tel­li­gent OMICS part­nered with John­son & John­son’s  Janssen to find a treat­ment for hema­to­log­i­cal can­cers.

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