Adam Margolin, NextVivo CEO

Fledg­ling Stan­ford spin­out promis­ing 3D mod­els of ful­ly hu­man tis­sue wins the back­ing of some big-time in­vestors

When con­duct­ing pre­clin­i­cal tests in drug de­vel­op­ment, re­searchers have for years used dif­fer­ent kinds of an­i­mal mod­els, from mice to non­hu­man pri­mates. But what if the need for such mod­els be­came ob­so­lete?

It’s one of many ques­tions hop­ing to be an­swered by the biotech Next­Vi­vo, which emerged from stealth Thurs­day morn­ing with a small $7.9 mil­lion seed round. With promi­nent Sil­i­con Val­ley VC Khosla Ven­tures as the lead, it’s clear Next­Vi­vo has, at the very least, tick­led the minds of big-name in­vestors.

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