One of James Ian's looks for Genentech's “Double Take” before New York Fashion Week (Andrea Saieh and Jenna Dewar, Open Style Lab 2022 fellows)

Genen­tech hits the run­way for a New York Fash­ion Week pre­quel, fea­tur­ing SMA mod­els and adap­tive cloth­ing

Roche’s Genen­tech is go­ing high style next month for New York Fash­ion Week. The phar­ma is host­ing its first-ever run­way fash­ion show to raise dis­abil­i­ty vis­i­bil­i­ty, fea­tur­ing mod­els from the spinal mus­cu­lar at­ro­phy (SMA) com­mu­ni­ty.

“Dou­ble Take” will be held Sept. 8, the day be­fore the of­fi­cial New York event be­gins, with mod­els walk­ing and rolling across the stage wear­ing styl­ish and func­tion­al adap­tive cloth­ing. Eleven peo­ple liv­ing with SMA and four ad­vo­cates will show off the cus­tom fash­ions cre­at­ed by Open Style Lab, a Brook­lyn non­prof­it and ac­ces­si­ble cloth­ing de­sign col­lab­o­ra­tive.

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