GSK at ESMO (Kyle LaHucik for Endpoints News)

Every­one wants an ADC: GSK pays $85M up­front for ex-Chi­na rights to Han­soh Phar­ma's an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate

MADRID — GSK has agreed to li­cense an an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate from Han­soh Phar­ma for $85 mil­lion up­front, in ex­change for glob­al rights out­side of Chi­na, Hong Kong, Macau and Tai­wan.

The UK phar­ma promised an ad­di­tion­al $1.48 bil­lion in down­stream mile­stones, as well as tiered roy­al­ties on sales. The deal was an­nounced one day ahead of Han­soh’s pre­sen­ta­tion on an ear­ly-stage study of the drug HS-20089 in breast, ovar­i­an and en­dome­tri­al can­cer at ES­MO, the Eu­ro­pean can­cer con­fer­ence, in Madrid.

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