Af­ter pulling Blenrep from US mar­kets, GSK plots a come­back with PhI­II mul­ti­ple myelo­ma tri­al suc­cess

GSK an­nounced Mon­day that its mul­ti­ple myelo­ma drug Blenrep suc­ceed­ed in a Phase III tri­al as part of a sec­ond-line com­bi­na­tion treat­ment for pa­tients whose can­cer has re­turned or stopped re­spond­ing to oth­er treat­ments.

The treat­ment had been pulled from US mar­kets last year af­ter it failed a sep­a­rate Phase III study, and in its bid to re­turn, the UK phar­ma com­pa­ny will like­ly face ques­tions around Blenrep’s ben­e­fits ver­sus risk pro­file and its mar­ket po­ten­tial.

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