Health in­sur­ance mem­bers stand to lose out if Cigna and Hu­mana fi­nal­ize a megamerg­er, ex­perts say

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Health in­sur­ance gi­ants Cigna and Hu­mana are think­ing of merg­ing, The Wall Street Jour­nal first re­port­ed last week.

The com­bi­na­tion would cre­ate a mas­sive busi­ness worth around $130 bil­lion, based on the com­pa­nies’ cur­rent mar­ket caps. But this isn’t the first time the two have at­tempt­ed to merge with oth­er health in­sur­ers on­ly to get blocked in the court on an­ti-com­pet­i­tive grounds.

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